www.qrp4fun.de Special links

I would like to list here a few webpages, which I strongly recommend to visit.
QRP clubs to the top
There are already QRP clubs almost in each country: the "crazy people", who transmit with 5 or 10 W around the world. And they also still united in clubs. Unbelievable!
If you have already envisaged to build a transceiver by yourself, those QRP rigs will surely be interesting for you. Get to know everything at the DL-QRP-AG (German Working Group for QRP and Self-Construction, in German) about availability of kits, tips and tricks.

Other QRP stations to the top
An incomplete list of people, which carry the QRP thought in the heart. The order is not an assessement. It's only an alphabetical order of their callsigns.

QRP equipment and kits to the top
You can purchase QRP equipment and kits at the following manufacturers and dealers.

Electronic elements to the top
The following dealers offer electronic elements to private individuals.

Antennas and masts to the top
Antennas respectively masts are available at the following dealers.